Has your employer appealed your Pennsylvania unemployment benefits?

Unemployment Lawyers - Call Today (412) 265-1090


If your employer has appealed your Notice of Determination you will have an unemployment hearing. If your employer went through the time and expense of appealing your eligibility you be virtually certain that they will appear with evidence and often their own unemployment attorney. Consider that the employer is most likely having staff construct a binder of reasons, documents, and witness statements only telling their side of the story. In other words, they have mobilized all their resources to attack you at the unemployment hearing. The employer’s counsel has done this many times before and has experience pursuing terminated employees when they are most vulnerable. Remember, you only have one good shot.

The message should be clear: You need to be ready for them to “come out swinging.”

To prevail in a hearing, you want an unemployment lawyer with a strong understanding of the legal issues, the ability to clearly articulate and advocate for your case, and the knowledge to prevent the experienced employer from taking control at the hearing. Call us today and find out how we can assist.

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